Last week was Road Safety Week and I’ve been receiving some pretty sobering emails from the OPP.
“In a ten year trend, the Middlesex County roadways have ranked in the top three locations with the most motor vehicle fatalities recorded. Over those ten years, 115 members of the public have lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions. These are not simply statistics. These are members of our families, sons, daughters, parents and grandparents. So far in the first four months of 2020, 5 people have died in collisions in the Middlesex County area. This is a 67% increase over the same time period recorded in 2019. Four of the recorded deaths have shown to have drugs/alcohol or speed as a related factor.”
Some Ontario wide statistics came out yesterday and it’s alarming the statistics for 2020 so far over 2019:
1) The number of fatal collisions is up 10.5%
2) The number of people killed is up 16.4%
3) Speed related fatalities is up 13.3%
4) Lack of a seat belt related fatalities is up 25%
5) Inattentive driving related fatalities is up 300%
6) Alcohol/Drug related fatalities is up 20%
7) Pedestrian related fatalities are up 75%
WE 🙌🏻 ALL 🙌🏻 MUST 🙌🏻 DO 🙌🏻 OUR 🙌🏻 PART 🙌🏻 TO 🙌🏻 MAKE 🙌🏻 OUR 🙌🏻 ROADS 🙌🏻 SAFER 🙌🏻 !!
Please share this and get the word out.. please let’s stop these upward trends and make our roads in Middlesex County safer to be on!